Terms & 条款及私隐政策


正规博彩十大网站("我们"), "we", "our", "WBCSD" or the "Organization") is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who visit our websites. 我们承诺仅在法律适用的情况下保护法律实体的隐私. 本隐私声明旨在告知我们有关收集的政策, 当您浏览我们的网站时,个人资料的使用和披露以及您与该等资料相关联的选择.

通过使用我们的网站, 您同意按照本政策收集和使用信息.

如果您对本组织的隐私做法有任何疑问或投诉, 请通过电话正规博彩十大网站 this email.

This privacy statement covers the following websites & 我们运营的微型网站:

我们的主要网站, http://sdpeskoe.com, 是一个向公众宣传我们作为正规博彩十大网站是谁以及我们做什么的平台吗.

Below are a list of other WBCSD owned websites:

http://humanrights.sdpeskoe.com http://careers.sdpeskoe.com; http://lwa.sdpeskoe.com; http://sdghub.com; http://chennai2016.sdpeskoe.com; http://events.sdpeskoe.com/ld17; http://events.sdpeskoe.com/cm17; http://events.sdpeskoe.com/ld18; http://events.sdpeskoe.com/cm18/;http://events.sdpeskoe.com/cm19/; http://events.sdpeskoe.com/ld19; http://events.sdpeskoe.com/cm20/; http://events.sdpeskoe.com/ld20/; http://flagshipevents.sdpeskoe.com/; http://tacklinginequality.org/; http://timetotransform.biz/; http://sdgessentials.org/; http://wbcsdpublications.org/scf/; http://responsiblemeat.org/; http://cep2030.org/; http://50lhome.org/http://www.b4ig.org/     



  • 个人资料
  • Usage Data
  • 位置数据
  • 跟踪cookie数据

When you contact us about receiving information about our services, 当您注册参加我们的活动或申请为我们工作时, the WBCSD requires you to provide personal contact information that can be used to contact or identify you. 个人身份信息可能包括但不限于:

  • 名字和姓氏
  • 公司名称
  • 电子邮件地址
  • 工作或家庭地址
  • 电话号码
  • Credit card information (processed by a third party)

我们可能会使用您的个人数据,通过时事通讯或促销材料以及您可能感兴趣的其他信息与您联系. 您可以选择不接收任何, or all, 通过点击我们发送的任何电子邮件中提供的“退订”链接或指示,或直接与我们联系,从我们的这些通信片段中删除.

Usage Data

我们还可能收集访问和使用服务的信息(“使用数据”)。. This usage data may include information such as your computer's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP地址), 浏览器类型, 浏览器版本, the pages of our websites that you visit, 你来访的时间和日期, 花在这些页面上的时间, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.


We may use and store information about your location if you give us permission to do so (“位置数据”). We use this data to provide features of our service and to improve and customize the service we offer.

您可以在任何时候使用我们的网站时启用或禁用定位服务, 通过设备设置.



Cookies are files with small amount of data which may include an anonymous unique identifier. cookie从网站发送到您的浏览器,并存储在您的设备上. Tracking technologies also used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze the service we provide.

You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our websites.


  • Session cookies. We use session cookies to operate our websites.
  • Preference cookies. 我们使用偏好cookie来记住您的偏好和各种设置.
  • 安全饼干. We use security cookies for security purposes.

了解如何改变您的偏好和控制cookie访问网站 cookies.insites.com



WBCSD uses personal data about our members and customers to perform the services requested. 例如, 如果您注册接收我们的通讯或参加我们的网络研讨会, 我们将使用您提供的信息向您发送有关正规博彩十大网站排名的信息和我们会员的信息, 我们的服务和组织.

We also use personal data about our meeting participants when you register to our events. We use this information to plan and host our events. WBCSD does not store credit card information. Such information is stored and processed by third parties.

We may also use personal data about our customers and our members for marketing purposes. 我们可能会使用您提供给我们的信息来进一步讨论您对我们服务的兴趣,并向您发送与我们组织相关的信息.


正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)只会在本私隐政策所载目的所需的时间内保留您的个人资料. 我们将保留和使用您的个人资料,以遵守我们的法律义务(例如, 如果我们被要求保留您的数据以遵守适用法律), 解决争端, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

WBCSD will also retain usage data for internal analysis purposes. Usage data is generally retained for a shorter period, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of our service, 或者我们在法律上有义务更长时间地保留这些数据.


你的信息, 包括个人资料, 是否可以转移到您所在州以外的计算机上并在其上进行维护, province, 数据保护法律可能与您所在司法管辖区不同的国家或其他政府司法管辖区.

如果您位于瑞士境外,并选择向我们提供信息, 请注意,我们会传输数据, 包括个人资料, 去瑞士加工.




The security of your data is important to us but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. 虽然我们努力使用商业上可接受的方式来保护您的个人资料, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.



正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)旨在采取合理步骤,让您纠正错误, amend, delete, 或限制使用您的个人资料.

If you wish to be informed what personal data, we hold about you and if you want it to be removed from our systems, 请正规博彩十大网站.

In certain circumstances, you have the right:

  • 访问和接收我们持有的有关您的个人资料的副本
  • To rectify any personal data held about you that is inaccurate
  • To lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority
  • 要求删除所持有的有关您的个人资料(“被遗忘权”)

You may have the right to data portability, if applicable to your situation as per the law in force, for the information you provide to the World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD).Should we have a duty to comply with the portability, 你可要求取得一份常用电子格式的个人资料副本,以便管理和转移.

Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to such requests.


We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate the service we provide ("服务提供商"), 代表我们提供服务, to perform service-related services or to assist us in analysing how our service is used. 特别是, we may use the support of third parties for the Client Relationship Management and profiling (“CRM”).


对于服务提供商可能对您造成的任何费用和/或损害,我们不承担责任, as per article 101 of the Swiss code of obligations.




谷歌分析 is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. 谷歌使用收集的数据来跟踪和监控我们服务的使用情况. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualise and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.

通过安装谷歌分析选择退出浏览器插件,您可以选择退出将您在服务上的活动提供给谷歌分析. The add-on prevents the 谷歌分析 JavaScript (ga.js、分析.js, and dc.js)与谷歌分析共享访问活动的信息.

For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy Terms web page: http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy


We may provide paid products and/or services within the service. 在这种情况下,我们使用第三方服务进行支付处理(例如.g. 付款处理器).

We will not store or collect your payment card details. 这些信息将直接提供给我们的第三方支付处理机构,他们对您个人信息的使用受其隐私政策的约束. These payment processors adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, Mastercard, 美国运通和发现. PCI-DSS要求有助于确保支付信息的安全处理.



他们的隐私政策可在 http://home.iatspayments.com/privacy-policy

We may change the Service Provider to process payment. 您同意您的数据将由WBCSD选择的其他服务提供商管理和存储,以便与付款一起处理.


我们的服务可能包含指向非我们运营的其他网站的链接. 如果您点击第三方链接,您将被引导到该第三方网站. 我们强烈建议您查看您访问的每个网站的隐私政策.

我们没有控制,我们不承担任何责任的内容, privacy policies or practices of any third-party sites or services.


Our service does not address anyone under the age of 16, 或更小的年龄(如适用),根据可能适用但不低于13岁的具体法律(“儿童”)。.

We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 16. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal data, 请正规博彩十大网站. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from children without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.


在某些情况下, 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)可能会被要求披露您的个人资料,如果法律有要求,或应公共当局(如.g. 法院或政府机构).

Legal Requirements and limit of responsibility


  • 履行法律义务
  • To protect and defend the rights or property of the World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD)
  • 防止或调查可能与服务有关的不法行为
  • 保护本服务使用者或公众的人身安全
  • 保护免受法律责任



We may update our 隐私政策 from time to time. 如有任何更改,我们将在本页公布新的隐私政策.

建议您定期查看本隐私政策. 本隐私政策的变更在本页公布后即生效.


电子邮件诈骗 has grown dramatically in recent years, 网络罪犯越来越聪明,我们需要你的帮助来打击他们.

Cybercriminals will use any means they can to trick you into sharing your personal information, your financial information or even request you to make unsolicited and criminal payments. 大多数网络罪犯会尝试联系公司的高层代表,并试图制造一种紧迫感.



Make sure the message comes from a WBCSD email address
All our communications are sent from one domain. 我们从不使用任何子域名. 我们的域名是@sdpeskoe.com

Make sure the email address and the name in the email match
大多数情况下,网络罪犯会使用技术来欺骗电子邮件地址,让你相信电子邮件是由他们假装的人发送的. 有时当你回复电子邮件地址时,你可以看到假电子邮件.

It is not likely that someone with whom you don’t have a current relationship from WBCSD will contact you. If you are solicited by someone pretending to work with or for us, please check that relationship with your project owner.

If you are unsure if the email is legit, your best friend is your ICT / IT / Security department. 他们可以帮助调查邮件的来源和合法性.

您可以通过以下方式与我们联系 privacy@sdpeskoe.com 举报欺诈性电子邮件或寻求帮助以保护您的数据. We will try our best to ensure maximum protection.



隐私政策 & 活动条款 & Conditions


  • The WBCSD event code of conduct is intended to outline the expectations for professional decorum at our events. WBCSD以创造一个友善和相互尊重的环境而自豪, a place where all participants are able to engage on important topics in global business, 可持续性, 金融与社会. This code of conduct is in effect for all virtual, 混合和面对面的活动, may be revised at any time and is not negotiable.
  • 所有注册与会者/参与者或第三方都应以专业的方式行事,并遵守当地有关工作场所行为的法律法规.
  • Harassment will not be tolerated in any form, 包括但不限于 harassment based on gender, 性别认同与表达, 性取向, disability, 外表, body size, race, age, religion or any other status protected by laws in which the conference or program is being held.
  • 本署保留拒绝任何个人参加任何活动的权利, or expel any individual currently in attendance in any event, 谁在从事不专业的工作, 破坏或骚扰行为.
  • 已注册的与会者/参与者和第三方在与其他参与者的互动中,应就参与者的姓名保持诚实和透明, title, company, 和商业意图在整个活动期间的网络机会.



  • 注册与会者/参与者和第三方全权负责保管他们的个人财产和, as such, WBCSD, 会场(s), 其附属公司, 其工作人员或参与组织活动的任何其他人员不对任何损失承担任何责任或义务, theft or damage of Registered Attendees/Participants or Third Parties’ personal property while at 会场(s). 注册与会者/参与者和第三方将发布WBCSD, Venue(s), 其附属公司, 以及参与组织活动的任何其他人员,对其参加活动可能遭受的任何个人财产损失或损害不承担任何责任.



  • 注册与会者/参与者和第三方承认并接受参加活动所固有的风险和危险. 已登记的与会者/参与者及第三方必须在会场内及会场附近给予最大程度的关注并尽最大限度的谨慎和审慎。.
  • 注册与会者/参与者和第三方承认并接受他们对自己的安全负责,并对参加活动期间任何陪同客人的安全负责, 在任何时候, 包括在研讨会和演出期间.
  • 注册参加者/参加者及第三方承认并同意本署不会对任何伤害负责, loss, damage, 或由注册参加者/参加者或任何第三方在参加由本署主办或赞助的有组织活动时提出申索.
  • 注册与会者/参与者和第三方明确承担与参加此类活动相关的任何和所有风险, 包括但不限于, 人身伤害风险, 财产损失, 或者其他可能发生的损失.
  • 个人安排,包括旅行, 由注册与会者/参与者和第三方或其代表安排的与出席活动有关的住宿或招待,风险由注册与会者/参与者和第三方自行承担.
  • In consideration of being allowed to participate in WBCSD events, 注册与会者/参与者和第三方特此同意发布, indemnify, 保护WBCSD不受伤害, 其军官, directors, employees, agents, 以及来自所有索赔人的志愿者, actions, suits, demands, costs, 和负债, 包括因任何伤害而产生的或与之相关的合理律师费, loss, damage, or claim incurred during participation in the events.
  • 此赔偿适用于注册与会者/参与者或任何第三方提出的任何索赔或责任, their heirs, executors, 管理员, 和分配. 注册与会者/参与者确认他们已仔细阅读并完全理解本赔偿条款,并自愿同意受其约束.
  • This indemnity shall be binding upon Registered Attendees/Participants or Third Party and their respective heirs, executors, 管理员, 和分配.
  • 无论是WBCSD, 其附属公司, 如因不可抗力事件而未能履行本条款和条件下的任何义务,其工作人员或参与活动组织的任何其他人员应向注册与会者/参与者和第三方负责或承担责任.
  • 无论是WBCSD, 其附属公司, 其工作人员或参与组织活动的任何其他人员应对注册与会者/参与者和第三方的任何附带和间接损失或损害负责或承担责任,包括, 但不限于, 失业, 商誉或利润和/或旅行, 停车或住宿费用.
  • WBCSD, 其附属公司, 其工作人员或参与活动组织的任何其他人员对注册与会者/参与者和第三方违反本条款和条件不承担任何责任.
  • 如登记出席者/参加者或第三者造成本署损失, damage, 因违反这些条款和条件或其他原因而产生的费用或开支, then the Registered Attendee/Participant or Third Party shall be liable to WBCSD for this.
  • 如果注册与会者/参与者或第三方造成第三方损失, damage, 因其违反这些条款和条件或其他原因而产生的费用或开支, then the Registered Attendee/Participant or Third Party shall be liable to the third party for this.
  • 除非法律要求, WBCSD及其附属公司或任何其他参与组织活动的人对注册与会者/参与者和第三方不承担任何其他责任.
  • In no event shall WBCSD nor any of 其军官, 董事及雇员须就阁下使用本网站而产生的任何事宜,向注册参加者/参加者或第三方负责, whether such liability is under contract, 侵权或其他, and WBCSD, 包括但不限于 其军官, 董事和员工不承担任何直接或间接的责任, consequential or special liability arising out of or in any way connected to your use of the Website.
  • 已登记的与会者/参加者及第三方在此同意对WBCSD的任何及所有责任作出最全面的赔偿, costs, demands, 诉因, 因您违反本条款和条件的任何规定而引起或以任何方式与之相关的损害赔偿和费用(包括律师费).


拍摄、摄影 & Recordings

Registered Attendees/Participants consent to be photographed, 由水务署拍摄或录音, 其附属公司, any supplier appointed by WBCSD or their Staff during the Event.



  • 通过购买, 接受和/或持有机票, Registered Attendees/Participants hereby acknowledge that they have read and agree to the contents of 水务署的资料私隐政策 which are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions.
  • 水务署只会使用, process, 严格按照本署的资料私隐政策,储存及转移注册参加者/参加者或第三者所提供的个人资料及资料.
  • 本署致力确保注册参加者/参加者及第三方的个人资料及资料的安全, and, as such, WBCSD has put in place suitable procedures to safeguard it, in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
  • 注册参加者/参加者及第三方承认本署可能会与有关当局分享他们的个人资料及资料, 比如警察和安保人员, 出于安全考虑, 其中可能包括对注册与会者/参与者的姓名进行安全检查.
  • 为防止罪案及保障公众安全,会场内设有闭路电视. 已登记的参加者/参加者及第三方同意本署可使用该等图像以维持及调查场地的安全及保安。. 应当使用闭路电视录像, stored, transferred and destroyed in accordance with applicable laws.



  • “不可抗力”指本署无法控制的任何原因或事件,包括, 但不限于, 皇家丧亲之痛, pandemic, fire, flood, earthquake, strike, lock-out, 突发公共卫生事件。, 政府的法令或规章, 国难或暴动, 民事骚动, 恶意破坏, act of God, explosion, war, 任何由恐怖主义引起或可归因于恐怖主义的原因或事件, or any other event (whether of a similar or dissimilar nature) beyond the reasonable control of WBCSD.
  • An event of 不可抗力 (as determined solely at WBCSD’s discretion) may force WBCSD to cancel, modify the dates and/or the time of the Event, the Venue and or certain events to be held during the Event. The responsibility and liability of WBCSD is expressly excluded in the presence of such event of 不可抗力.



  • 通过购买 Tickets or holding or using Tickets, 注册与会者/参与者和第三方无权使用, license, 转让或转让本署的任何知识产权,包括, 但不限于, the names, 水务署的商标或标志 . 注册与会者/参与者和第三方同意任何未经授权的使用, licensing, assignment or transfer or any intellectual property rights of WBCSD is a breach of these Terms and Conditions, and may be a criminal offence under applicable laws.
  • 条款和条件中没有授予注册与会者/参与者或第三方使用任何商标的权利或许可, 本署或任何其他第三方拥有或控制的设计权利或版权,但条款及条件明文规定的除外.
  • WBCSD owns all the intellectual property rights and materials contained in it’s WBCSD Website, 我们保留所有这些权利. 所有的版权, trademarks, 设计的权利, 本网站的专利及其他知识产权(已注册及未注册)均属本网站及/或第三方所有.


Contact Us

如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问,请通过以下方式与我们联系 this email.

We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. By choosing to continue, you agree to our use of cookies. You can learn more about cookies on our 隐私政策页面.